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Interact Vienna cerca un Project Manager

Offerta n. 2013/067 – JOB. Cari allievi, vi segnaliamo che l’ufficio di Vienna di Interact sta selezionando un Project Manager, ed è una selezione a cui – in base ai profili che molti di voi ci hanno trasmesso – vi consiglieremmo caldamente di concorrere: “The Project Manager will support the implementation of ETC and IPA-CBC programmes and facilitate the exchange of expertise and good practices by providing a variety of services to the Programme Authorities and other stakeholders. In particular, he/she will develop learning /networking events, targeted advisory services, thematic studies and analyses. Key tasks include: a) assessing the needs of INTERACT stakeholders; b) content development for INTERACT products; c) event organisation, delivery (incl. moderation) and follow-up; d) coordination with involved stakeholders; e) promoting Territorial Cooperation to external stakeholders; f) liaising with European Institutions and other stakeholders; g) dissemination of products/services to target groups; h) responding to requests for information/support”.

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