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Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Treviso

Ente: www.israa.it (IPAB)
Ufficio: Faber Fabbrica Europa www.fabbricaeuropa.eu
Posizione: Europrogettista full time, contratto a tempo determinato della durata di un anno rinnovabile sino a tre anni
Tipologia di progetti: Interreg Central Europe. Il candidato si dedicherà’ alla gestione operativa delle attività previste da progetti dedicati all’innovazione digitale sei servizi sociosanitari rivolti alle persone anziane che andranno a definire e sperimentare modelli assistenziali e di training innovativi per facilitare la trasformazione digitale dei processi di cura.
Sede di lavoro: Treviso
Contatti: inviare CV e candidatura a faber@israa.it all’attenzione di Oscar Zanutto

Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Lussemburgo

European Funding Advisor – Digital sector (m/f)

Full-time permanent contract, ref.: EUD

Interested to carry out a mission in Luxembourg’s innovation agency that contributes to the economic development of the country through innovation? Willing to join a professional, multidisciplinary, dynamic and human-sized organisation? This job opportunity is for you!

Among its activities, Luxinnovation offers support services for companies wishing to engage in Horizon Europe research and innovation processes, with the aim of accessing European collaborative funding. Our European Funding team has been very successful over the last years: Luxembourg being the country with the biggest increase in the number of participants to EU funding programs and with almost €200m secured for funding in Horizon 2020.

The mission of the European Funding Advisor is to promote European research, development and innovation (RDI) programs, to support companies and research centres in putting together funding application files and to represent Luxembourg’s interests in the European authorities. The European Funding Advisor will also be the National Contact Point (NCP) for Digital calls, and Research Infrastructures. The position is located in Belval in Luxembourg with up to 30% of business travel, mainly to Brussels.


  • Promote Luxinnovation services and European RDI funding programmes, notably by organizing conferences and webinars, publishing newsletters, setting up information campaigns, and monitoring deadlines for calls for proposals.
  • Support the participation of Luxembourg companies and research organisations in European research programs, either by advising and supporting project leaders in putting together European funding application files or by initiating synergies between companies and national public research organizations to develop collaborative public-private projects.
  • Monitor the evolution of European policy in the field of RDI and draft recommendations (opportunities/positioning) for Luxembourg aligned with national interests and priorities.
  • Represent and defend the interests of Luxembourg in specific events and working groups within the European Commission, notably for the Cluster 4, with a focus on Digital aspects, and Research Infrastructures.
  • Maintain excellent relationships with international stakeholders, as well as other European national contact points, and promote the know-how and skills of Luxembourg’s companies and research organisations amongst them.
  • Participate in writing, editing and submitting projects for Luxinnovation and contribute to the management of European projects in which Luxinnovation is involved.

Skills and qualifications

  • Ideally a Master or PhD degree in a Computer science or Engineering related field
  • Proven experience in managing research projects, especially with EU funding, either gained in a research organization, a European institution, or a specialized consulting firm
  • A thorough understanding of the Digital sector is considered an asset, as well as the knowledge of the Luxembourg RDI ecosystem
  • Strong writing skills and ability to produce briefing notes
  • Oral and written fluency in English, which is the working language for this position. Fluency in French, German and/or Luxembourgish are considered an asset.
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Service-oriented with a strong team-spirit
  • Ability to analyse and integrate data in suggested course of actions
  • Organized, proactive, flexible and autonomous.

Why choose this position?

  • This mid-level to senior position is an excellent opportunity for a scientist/researcher to expand their skills in policy management, project management and RDI projects European financing.
  • To develop high-level networking skills at the European level and be the Digital National Point of Contact for Luxembourg at the European Commission, a high-priority sector of development for Luxembourg
  • To help Luxembourg organisations to access to EU funding to support their innovation projects
  • To increase your knowledge of the Luxembourg and European digital priorities, as well as the impact of science and technology on policy making and vice versa
  • To be entrusted with varied responsibilities with a high level of autonomy
  • To assist various types of organisations (research centres, private or public bodies, professional associations, NGO, start-ups, etc.) allowing you to deepen your understanding of different needs and sectors
  • To be part of an international team and work in a human-sized organisation where professional development is encouraged.

If interested to join us, please submit your application online in English or French (including a CV and a cover letter).

Any question? Do not hesitate to contact us on job@luxinnovation.lu

Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Venezia

Da ex studente, inoltro a seguire, e in allegato alla presente, il bando che è appena stato pubblicato per il reclutamento di una nuova risorsa da inserire nel team dell’Ufficio Progetti dell’Istituto di Scienze Marine del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ISMAR).

Cerchiamo una risorsa da inserire full time, operativa (al bisogno) presso la sede di Venezia, possibilmente formata e con un minimo di esperienza pregressa nell’ambito dell’europrogettazione, sia per quanto riguarda l’impostazione di una nuova proposta progettuale, che per quanto riguarda il monitoraggio e la rendicontazione di progetti avviati.

Se possibile, vi chiederei la cortesia di condividere il bando con la vostra rete di contatti operanti in quest’ambito e con i vostri ex studenti, in modo da favorire la piu’ ampia diffusione possibile dell’informazione e la candidatura di persone qualificate. La deadline per la presentazione delle candidature scadrà il prossimo 23/12.

Ringrazio anticipatamente per la collaborazione ed il supporto.

Ufficio Progetti CNR-ISMAR

Link: https://bandi.urp.cnr.it/doc-assegni/documentazione/13662_DOC_IT.pdf


Codice Bando ISMAR-037-2022-VE-Prot 0088818, scadenza : 23/12/2022
- Selezione pubblica per : titoli e colloquio
- Numero assegni : 1
- Diplomi di laurea: Scienze ambientali, Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali, Scienze Sociologiche, Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo, Scienze dell’economia, Giurisprudenza, Scienze naturali, Scienze biologiche, Ingegneria gestionale, Ingegneria Ambientale
- Requisiti :
- Conoscenza dei principali strumenti della programmazione europea, nazionale e regionale;
- Documentata formazione specifica sul tema del project management e della gestione e ren- dicontazione di progetti;
- Conoscenza di elementi di rendicontazione delle spese nell’ambito dei fondi europei diretti ed indiretti, nazionali e regionali;
- Esperienza di attività di monitoraggio dello stato di avanzamento delle attività progettuali, elaborazione report tecnici e periodici;
- Familiarità con tematiche inerenti la Blue Growth;
- Buone conoscenze informatiche;
- Capacità di lavorare in team multidisciplinari;
- Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.
- Conoscenza della lingua italiana (solo per i candidati stranieri).
- Area scientifica : Ambiente
- Struttura destinataria : Istituto di Scienze Marine
- Sede (provincia) : Venezia (VE)