Allievi, e non, del MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE – Stage in Lussemburgo
The ESPON Coordination Unit is looking for two trainees for a period of 5 months, preferably starting by beginning of September 2014.
ESPON is a Programme under Structural Funds 2007-2013 under the objective of European territorial cooperation. Its special role is to provide pan-European territorial evidence in support of a European perspective in policy development related to regions, cities and larger territories. The ESPON 2013 programme will be continued as a third generation of ESPON covering the period 2014-2020.
The ESPON CU offers a five-month period of training for young academics in the final stage of their university studies related to territorial development and planning, geography, regional economics, European studies, political science, financial management and/or other relevant fields.
One trainee will during the traineeship period be involved mainly in tasks related to the cluster on Capitalisation, Publication and Analysis (Traineeship A). The other trainee will mainly be involved in tasks of the cluster related to Programme, Finance and Budget (Traineeship B).
Trainees at the ESPON CU will have the opportunity to attend European events with ESPON involvement taking place outside Luxembourg. An allowance of 1.000 Euro per month will be offered as an indemnity to support your living expenses during the traineeship at the ESPON CU.
Applicants should demonstrate:
- Interest and (some) knowledge in relation to European cooperation in the field of EU Structural Funds, regional policy and/or spatial development and planning, geography, regional economics, European studies, political science, public administration, communications and/or other fields related to territorial development.
- An excellent understanding and fluency in spoken and written English and preferably good communication skills in other languages.
- Strong personal skills, being keen team player, capable both of following instructions and of working on own initiative, consulting colleagues when needed.
More info:
Allievi, e non, del MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE – Offerta di lavoro a Bruxelles
An international association funded EU development aid (EuropeAid/DevCo) is searching an Account Manager. The Account Manager oversees the fundraising process and the engagement strategy with the EU. Its role is to maximize funding potential, to ensure that the association is effective and efficient in its fundraising with EuropeAid and that it has effective and contractually compliant systems and processes to deliver any programme and manage any contract. More info:
Allievi del MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE – Offerta di lavoro
Un’importante Fondazione, con sede in Veneto, ci richiede un collaboratore per l’ufficio fund raising e progetti che collabori alla preparazione di proposte e alla gestione di progetti europei. Indispensabile il possesso del Master in Europrogettazione Official conseguito presso il Centro di Formazione in Europrogettazione con ottima votazione. Inviare il CV a