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Author Archives: Placement Euroopportunities
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione informa: opportunità di lavoro a Roma
Una ong di ispirazione cattolica, emanazione di una congregazione religiosa presente in tutto il mondo, sta cercando un International Fundraising & Projects Officer da assumere entro metà aprile 2018 nella sua sede di Roma. I principali compiti e responsabilità sono: i) elaborare e redigere progetti; ii) creare strategie specifiche per una efficace esecuzione dei progetti; iii) supportare l’organizzazione in vista della implementazione dei progetti, in linea con i risultati attesi; iv) svolgere ogni altro compito che contribuisca al buon esito dei progetti e che sia assegnato dal International Fundraising and Project Coodinator. Dovrà anche partecipare allo sviluppo e alla implementazione della strategia di raccolta fondi, e redigere richieste di finanziamento in risposta ai bandi di piccoli enti governativi e istituzionali. I candidati possono inviare il loro curriculum, completo di lettera di presentazione e liberatoria al trattamento di dati personali, entro il 31 marzo 2018 a: fmsi@fmsi-onlus.org.
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di stage a Malta
A company is looking for an EU Project Intern to join its Head Office in Malta for ideally six months. The ideal candidate should be in possession of the following background education, experience, skills and abilities. Education and experience: i) enrolled or achieved a University Degree in an area of study related to European policy, environment, economics or humanities; ii) knowledge of European direct funding programmes such as H2020 and Erasmus+ is an advantage; iii) interest in project implementation and management; iv) advanced level of English and good knowledge of other languages (French, German, Spanish and/or Italian) is considered as an asset.
Skills and abilities: very well organised, with attention to detail; pragmatic, capacity to find solutions rapidly; capacity to take initiatives and responsibilities; capability to work in a team and under tight deadlines; very good writing, oral, research and analytical skills. Interest in themes associated with Climate Change including but not limited to Clean Energy and Technologies, Electromobility, Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be considered an asset.
Only VIU students. Please send your cv to centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: 2 posti per europrogettista SME Instrument a Bruxelles
EU STARTUP SERVICES is the top European consulting firm specialized in European Union funding through the SME Instrument, for the most innovative Start-ups and SMEs across Europe. The team at EU Startup Services is constantly growing, a reflection of both its unique position as the leader in SME Instrument funding in Europe and the result of its many successes both in Phase I and Phase II grants. Today, EU Startup Services is recruiting 2 Senior Technical Proposal Writers for our Proposal Development Division. This position reports to the Senior Proposals Manager, and regularly interacts with other members of the Proposal Development Department. The incumbent may supervise junior staff and/or Consultants in select technical areas. He/she must be comfortable handling complex topics and confidential information while representing the Development Office to internal and external clients. The senior proposal writer will also be adept at managing multiple projects and deadlines and should have organizational skills and a meticulous attention to detail. A minimum of 5 years of work experience in the field is required, with 2-3 years minimum in proposal development, with demonstrated success in writing SME Instrument proposals.
For more information and details on how to apply, please consult the following link: http://www.eustartupservices.eu/careers/senior-proposal-writer/
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Parigi
Parmi les leviers de développement des projets du GROUPE SOS, la mobilisation de fonds européens, encore émergente, a été repéré comme stratégique pour les années à venir. Dans l’objectif de développer largement cette expertise et de déclencher des opportunités pour le compte des structures du Groupe, la Direction Projet du Groupe SOS recrute un/une Responsable Fonds Européens qui aura les missions suivantes :
1/ Déclenchement d’opportunités pour les associations du Groupe SOS
- Identification des besoins et des opportunités pour les secteurs en développement du Groupe SOS : Culture, Transition Ecologique, Incubateurs, Solidarité internationale
- Pilotage de la veille et de la prospection (Fonds structurels : FSE-FEDER-FEADER, Fonds Commission -Erasmus+/ H2020/…)
- Relation élus et services instructeurs
2/ Apport d’une expertise technique et mobilisation de financements
- Conception et ingénierie des réponses à appels à projets
- Coordination de la rédaction des dossiers de demande de subvention
- Création et sécurisation des budgets
3/ Sécurisation de la gestion des fonds européens
- Animation de relations privilégiées avec les services instructeurs
- Supervision de la gestion administrative et financière des subventions conventionnées (budget, avenant, bilans, suivi des participants)
- Anticipation des évolutions des projets et négociations auprès des services instructeurs et des décisionnaires en vue de la sécurisation des financements
4/Structuration de l’accompagnement des porteurs de projets interne
- Identification des besoins de formation des bénéficiaires internes aux contraintes de la gestion de projets européens
- Pilotage de la création des outils de gestion et de suivi
Diplômé-e d’une formation universitaire de niveau Bac+5 avec spécialité européenne vous justifiez d’au minimum 5 ans d’expérience en lien avec la gestion de fonds européens et la conception de projets.
Particulièrement rigoureux et organisé, vous avez fait la preuve de votre capacité à produire des livrables de qualité dans les délais prévus. Vous maîtrisez les contraintes liées à la mobilisation de financements européens et bénéficiez d’une excellente qualité rédactionnelle, tout comme d’une grande aisance relationnelle.
Vous portez un grand intérêt aux activités du Groupe SOS et aux enjeux d’innovation sociale.
CDD 8 mois cadre
Vous adhérez aux valeurs et au modèle de l’entrepreneuriat social.
Priorité aux travailleurs handicapés à compétences égales.
Convention-collective/rémunération : CCN Syntec : Sociétés de conseil
Plage de rémunération : 35-37 K€
Avantages : Titre-repas, Remboursement partiel abonnement transports collectifs, Remboursement total abonnement vélos en libre-service, Prise en charge de la mutuelle
Date de début du contrat : Dès que possible
Poste/Mission basé(e) à Paris (75)
Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation à : Maud LEBLON
- 102C Rue Amelot
75011 Paris
Tél : 01 58 30 55 88
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Bologna
Buonasera, scrivo per chiedervi di procedere alla pubblicazione nel vostro blog dell’annuncio in allegato in riferimento alla posizione di Project Manager per il nostro progetto europeo Marie Curie TRANSMIT - TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis, di cui l’Università di Bologna è capofila. La posizione è offerta sotto forma di assegno di ricerca. La selezione è regolata da un bando di concorso.
Title of the research fellowship: Junior Project Manager for the ITN MARIE CURIE project TRANSIating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (TRANSMIT). The request concerns the activation of one-year research fellowship for the position of Junior Project Manager within the framework of the European project ITN Marie Curie TRANSMIT – TRANSIating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis, Grant Agreement n° 722605. Website: http://www.transmit-project.eu/
The Junior Project Manager will coordinate a number of procedural and organisational activities, with the aim of ensuring the achievement of all TRANSMIT project objectives, in accordance with all the timelines envisaged in the Grant Agreement.
Detailed activities:
· Project management. Coordination of all the training and dissemination activities between the REA officer and the TRANSMIT consortium partners.
· Relations with the European Commission.
· Coordination of the annual meetings among the project partners (Communication Management, Agenda Setting, Minutes Publication).
· Monitoring the progress of the project activities and evaluation of the results achieved.
· Writing and submission via PP of the reports and deliverables provided by the project.
· Coordination of the partners’ reporting activities.
· Supervision of the contents uploaded on TRANSMIT website.
· Coordination and mentoring activities of the assistant profile involved in the project management team.
· Definition of an ad hoc communication strategy for the dissemination of scientific data and project final results (newsletters, specialised and non-specialised press, brochure creation etc.).
· Realize UNIBO training, dissemination, management deliverables and project report. To Supervise partners management, training and dissemination deliverables and reports.
· Monitoring project budget.
· To manage TRANSMIT governance actions.
To access the full call for application (in Italian), please visit: https://www.aricweb.unibo.it/BandiPubblicati/zz_bandi_din.aspx Title: Project Manager for the project TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (TRANSMIT), published 13/11/2017
Degrees: Master Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature, Economics, Political Science, Molecular and Cellular Biology and equivalent. Qualifications: A minimum of 3-year experience in the management of European projects. Salary: Gross amount of € 19.367,00 per year. Employers: University of Bologna, Dept. FaBiT, Italy. Job type: Temporary: 1-year employment contract (research fellowship). Location: Bologna, Italy Contact: fabit.transmit@unibo.it. Deadline for application: 10 January 2018, 12.00 (Brussels Time)