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Author Archives: Placement Euroopportunities

Interact Vienna cerca un Project Manager

Offerta n. 2013/067 – JOB. Cari allievi, vi segnaliamo che l’ufficio di Vienna di Interact sta selezionando un Project Manager, ed è una selezione a cui – in base ai profili che molti di voi ci hanno trasmesso – vi consiglieremmo caldamente di concorrere: “The Project Manager will support the implementation of ETC and IPA-CBC programmes and facilitate the exchange of expertise and good practices by providing a variety of services to the Programme Authorities and other stakeholders. In particular, he/she will develop learning /networking events, targeted advisory services, thematic studies and analyses. Key tasks include: a) assessing the needs of INTERACT stakeholders; b) content development for INTERACT products; c) event organisation, delivery (incl. moderation) and follow-up; d) coordination with involved stakeholders; e) promoting Territorial Cooperation to external stakeholders; f) liaising with European Institutions and other stakeholders; g) dissemination of products/services to target groups; h) responding to requests for information/support”.

INTERREG IVB North-West Europe Programme is looking for a FINANCE OFFICER

Offerta n. 2013/068 – JOB. The INTERREG IVB North-West Europe Programme is currently looking for a FINANCE OFFICER. The successful candidate will have: a) knowledge of EU law, institutions and policies, in particular the European Structural Funds financial regulations, State aid and the de minimis Regulations; b) some experience in EU-funded projects or programmes.

KPMG cerca EU Office Manager

Offerta n. 2013/069 – KPMG, una delle principali aziende di consulenza al mondo, che presta una vasta gamma di servizi di assistenza tecnica alle Amministrazioni statali e regionali nella gestione dei fondi europei, ci informa che si è liberato un posto da EU Office Manager nella sede di Bruxelles. Nella mail che ci è arrivata si spiega: “The KPMG EU office @ EU headquarters coordinates all EU business development and follow up on EU regulatory issues for the whole KPMG network. With a prime location close to the EC HQs and the European Parliament, we can focus firm’s efforts in, develop further our involvement as stakeholder in main EU issues and policy developments and in meeting regularly EU officials and other players. We are targeting all EU institutions, particularly the European Parliament which is playing a major role in the EU decision making process. [...]. The KPMG EU Office Manager will have a mixed role of administrative assistant, event organiser and support to teams”. Per altre info contattare il Centro.

WWF cerca collaboratori

Offerta n. 2013/069 – Lavorare in un progetto europeo dove il capofila è il WWF internazionale? Perché no? Cari allievi, il WWF ha ricevuto recentemente un finanziamento ad progetto che riguarda gli stili di vita ecosostenibili, Livewell For Life. Ebbene sono disponibili, ora, ben 3 posti per lavorare all’interno del progetto. Si cercano il Project Manager, il Policy Officer, e lo Stakeholder Relations Manager. Sede di lavoro: Londra. Scade il 6 febbraio. Per i riferimenti e la lettera di presentazione contattare il Centro.

Stage a Bruxelles per europrogettisti Europeaid

Offerta n. 2013/070 - Stage a Bruxelles per europrogettisti Europeaid. Questo invito arriva da un’importantissima società di consulenza di Bruxelles: “Our mission is to contribute to the economic and social development of third and transition countries both by providing international high quality consulting advice and working closely with local expertise to better tackle local problems and existent needs. We are seeking two Junior Project Assistants to join our ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) Department. The duration of the internship will be six months. Please note that an internship agreement with university or other institution providing grants is required. Qualifications and profile: proved interest in the cooperation and development field, in particular in consultancy assignments; ability to interact with people and establish good relationships; perfect oral and drafting skills in English and French”.

Per info: centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org