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Placement Service – MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE Venice International University – Proposta di stage a Padova

PROPOSTA DI STAGE A PADOVA – “Con la presente vi chiediamo se potete veicolare una nostra esigenza per l’inserimento di una risorsa anche laureata da poco, allievo del Master in Europrogettazione Official. In particolare il nostro studio cerca una persona da inserire presso un cliente operante in provincia di Padova, dove sta curando l’avvio dell’ufficio interno di europrogettazione, In prima fase in posizione di stage ma con buone prospettive verso diverso inquadramento. La risorsa dovrà ricoprire mansioni legate alla ricerca fondi, alla ricerca e gestione dei partenariati, all’europrogettazione. Si prevede l’inserimento per i primi giorni del mese di ottobre”. Prego inviare CV a centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org

Placement Service – MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE Venice International University – Proposta di stage a Roma

PROPOSTA DI STAGE A ROMA – Ente per la ricerca e la formazione ricerca stagista retribuito, under 30, in ambito Europrogettazione. Il progetto formativo porterà il tirocinante ad apprendere a analizzare bandi, costruire partenariati, gestire una partnership; progettare e gestire eventi di disseminazione; ideare un progetto e condividerlo tra più soggetti; costruire gli obiettivi strategici e valutare la coerenza tra missione e progetto, promovendo fattiva collaborazione di tutti gli attori coinvolti; definire formalmente un progetto, nonché pianificarlo con l’assegnazione e l’organizzazione di strumenti adeguati; definire gli strumenti, le metodologie e i criteri di monitoraggio e valutazione. Requisiti: 1) Laurea in Psicologia o Sociologia o Scienze della formazione; 2) Conoscenza fluente della lingua INGLESE parlata e scritta; 3) Skills che verranno apprezzati sono: possesso del Master in Europrogettazione Official, esperienza di studio/ricerca applicata teorica/empirica nel campo delle politiche di welfare, nella loro più vasta accezione; esperienze di studio/ricerca in Italia o all’estero; conoscenze di tecniche metodologico-statistiche per il trattamento dei dati. Impegno previsto di 30 ore/settimane per 6 mesi. Previsto un rimborso di € 400/mese. Indirizzare il CV a centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org

Placement Service – MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE Venice International University – Proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles

The European University Association (EUA) represents around 850 universities and higher education associations in 47 countries. Located in Brussels. EUA seeks a PROJECT MANAGER, a highly motivated and experienced professional to implement a new three-year EC-funded project that will gather and analyse empirical evidence from Europe’s universities in the field of energy research, education and training. The project (entitled UNI-SET) will be developed in the context of the EUA-European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research (EPUE), an open platform of universities covering EU member states and associated countries. UNI-SET will be implemented in partnership with the EIT KIC InnoEnergy. The policy context is that of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan), the European Research Area (ERA) and Horizon 2020 programmes and its activities in the energy field.
The role and tasks of the Project Manager – reporting to the Director for Research and Innovation – include: a) Taking overall responsibility for the coordination and reporting of all project activities and management: these include survey design and data collection from EUA membership, organisation of conferences and seminars in cooperation with project partners; b) Supervising the work of the project team; c) Liaising with EUA membership, external partners and relevant stakeholders; d) Preparing information material as required (e.g. publications, newsletters, project website); e) Representing EUA at external conferences/events.
This is a demanding post which requires experience in energy research, project management at European level, organisational talent, people skills and a strong knowledge and interest in the development of European research and education capacities in the field of energy.
Therefore, you will need to demonstrate: 1) experience in project management and reporting of European Commission Framework Programme projects; 2) experience in team management and excellent organisational skills; 3) at least five years relevant experience, with a PhD degree; 4) good knowledge of the European research and innovation policy framework, preferably in the energy field; 5) excellent oral and written communication skills, in particular the capacity to draft in English; 6) ability to work both independently and as part of a team, against tight deadlines and in an international environment.
The position is available immediately. The Association based in Brussels offers a one-year contract, renewable for the duration of the projectunder Belgian law and an attractive package of benefits.
A CV and cover letter should be sent to Minna Peltola by 30 September 2014 at the following email address: minna.peltola@eua.be. EUA regrets that we are not able to acknowledge all applications received. Please note that only suitable candidates will be invited for interview.

Placement Service – MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE Venice International University – Proposta di lavoro in Puglia

Riceviamo e giriamo ai nostri allievi: “Il nostro cliente si occupa di realizzare software per il circuito bancario e destina ogni anno importanti risorse nella ricerca e sviluppo. Sarebbe interessato alla partecipazione ad Horizon 2020 e nello specifico alla call Digital Security: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust – DS-4-2015: Secure Information Sharing. Cerchiamo tra i vostri allievi un professionista che offra supporto nella progettazione e nella presentazione di un progetto”. Inviare CV a centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org

Placement Service – MASTER IN EUROPROGETTAZIONE Venice International University – Offerta di lavoro a Firenze

Cari allievi vi giriamo questa interessantissima proposta che arriva dall’Istituto Universitario Europeo di Firenze: “The EUI is organising a selection procedure for the position of Project Manager. Duration of the contract: three years, renewable initially for a fixed period of up to three years. Any further renewal shall be for an indefinite period. The main tasks will include the following: a) to track and identify potential sources of external funding appropriate for the research area; b) to support the academic staff of the Centre with the preparation of project applications, in particular with regard to the description of the project management and the preparation of the budget; c) to take charge of the financial and administrative management of the projects, in cooperation with other services of the EUI, and to ensure the daily coordination of the activities of the projects. Essential: knowledge of EU funding programmes (such as Horizon 2020), Grants (call for proposals launched not in the framework of Horizon 2020) and Procurement notices (service contracts); proven experience of successful design, implementation and management of EC funded projects, both as coordinator and partner institution (including accountant responsibility).The online application period will end on 15/09/2014. More info: http://www.eui.eu/About/JobOpportunities/AdministrativePosts.aspx”