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Author Archives: Placement Euroopportunities
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University segnala: interessante proposta a Bruxelles
Ringraziamo per la segnalazione l’allieva che ci ha inviato questa notice: “Arietti & Partners is the Italian team of M&A International Inc. Arietti & Partners operates with three offices in Italy and an office in Brussels dedicated to European Grants and European Funds Advisory mainly to Italian Companies. To support our clients in every stage of their business life, we assist them in accessing grants backing R&D and international development projects.
Arietti & Partners is looking for an European Funds Advisor for its office in Brussels. Responsibilities: a) monitoring European funding opportunities for our clients (H2020 calls, calls for tenders; call for projects); b) coordinating the writing and the preparation and submission of proposals; c) identifying possible partners and building up the consortium; d) performing administrative and financial tasks linked to the project; e) coordinating the project team members: organizing, collecting and harmonizing their inputs into coherent reports in accordance with the Project work plan; f) monitoring the progress and the deliverables of the projects; g) drafting reports, presentations and other communication material; h) acting as the contact point within project consortium; i) organizing events and work meetings.
Profile: University or advanced degree in Economics or Law preferred, a Master (well known) in European Project Management is preferable; at least one year experience in European Project Management, preferably in EU funded projects.
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English. Italian is required.
Please send a 1-page motivation letter and your CV to Ms Maria Laura Trifiletti (trifiletti@mergers.it) indicating “EUROPEAN FUNDS ADVISOR” in the subject line. The deadline for the application is 20th of May 2015. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Due to the expected number of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews”.
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University segnala: proposta di lavoro a Vicenza
Associazione di ricerca non profit seleziona un profilo amministrativo per supportare lo staff nella gestione dei progetti finanziati. L’incarico prevede l’organizzazione ed utilizzo di sistemi di tracciamento dei pagamenti e delle entrate, che renda possibile individuare le fonti di finanziamento e le spese riferite a diversi singoli progetti, la gestione dei giustificativi di spesa, l’assistenza amministrativa e organizzativa ai responsabili di progetto ed ai ricercatori, la gestione delle relazioni per le questioni amministrative con i partner di progetto, l’assistenza nella predisposizione di report e rendiconti finanziari di progetti.
Richiesti preferibilmente 2/3+ anni di esperienza, soprattutto nel campo dei progetti finanziati dall’Unione Europea e di gestione progetti, competenze informatiche, conoscenza di strumenti di gestione e rendicontazione progetti, esperienza di gestione/coordinamento, inglese fluente scritto e orale, buone capacità comunicative, soprattutto per le comunicazioni remote. L’organizzazione offre anche possibilità di stage/tirocinio.
Scade il 29 maggio 2015. PROPOSTA RISERVATA AGLI ALLIEVI, che sono invitati a mettersi in contatto con: centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University segnala: proposta di lavoro da Pax Christi a Bruxelles
Riceviamo da Pax Christi la seguente notice relativa alla ricerca di un collaboratore per la sede di Bruxelles: “The fund development officer is member of a small but dynamic staff at the International Secretariat. The ideal individual selected for this position will be responsible for help designing and coordinating the implementation of a comprehensive fund development strategy for the organization. Required qualifications: University degree or professional certification in related field. minimum 5 years of fundraising management experienc, proven experience of fundraising strategy development, proven experience of individual and institutional donor cultivation, demonstrable experience of fundraising proposal writing, documented experience of fundraising events planning and management, proven outstanding writing and editing skills in a range of formats for fundraising purposes and for various audiences. Experience in a nonprofit environment preferred, proven interest in peace issues.
This position is based at the Pax Christi International Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium. This is a one-year contract, full-time position, made possible by grant funding with the possibility of ongoing employment if continued funding for the position remains available; Pax Christi International expects to seek continued funding for it. Salary is commensurate with experience according to Belgian nonprofits. Pax Christi is also open to negotiate a part-time (three-quarter time) contract under special circumstances.
For consideration, please respond by 20 May 2015 to communications@paxchristi.net. No phone calls please. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Pax Christi International is an Equal Opportunity Employer.”
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University – Incontro gratuito a Roma su CREATIVE EUROPE
Il prossimo 27 aprile dalle 11 alle 13 abbiamo organizzato presso la sede nazionale dell’AICCRE (Piazza Trevi 86, a Roma) un incontro con l’assistenza tecnica del Creative Europe Desk Italia – Coordinato dal Ministero dei Beni e della Attività Culturali e del Turismo. Obiettivo dell’evento è sia di presentare il Programma Europa Creativa che di fornire l’opportunità di fare domande in merito alle prossime call del Sottoprogramma Cultura. La partecipazione è gratuita per tutti (ex alllievi e non). Europa creativa è il Programma quadro nato con l’intento di rafforzare i settori culturali e creativi in Europa per il periodo 2014-2020, attraverso quattro Obiettivi generali: progetti di cooperazione transnazionale tra organizzazioni culturali e creative all’interno e al di fuori dell’UE e la promozione della mobilità delle opere e degli operatori (artisti in primis) del settore culturale e creativo; traduzione e promozione di opere letterarie attraverso i mercati dell’UE e sostegno alla diversità culturale e linguistica nell’UE e in tutti i paesi partecipanti al Sottoprogramma Cultura; network, ovvero scambio di informazioni e competenze al fine di operare a livello transnazionale e internazionale e di adattarsi ai cambiamenti, promuovere la diversità culturale e linguistica (minimo 15 organizzazioni UE già esistenti, approccio business to business); piattaforme di operatori culturali che promuovono gli artisti emergenti e che stimolano una programmazione essenzialmente europea di opere culturali e artistiche. A differenza dei network, le piattaforme prevedono un approccio business to consumers: i riflettori della call sono puntati sulla visibilità degli artisti e dei creatori, soprattutto quelli emergenti, che rappresentano la cultura europea. PRENOTAZIONE OBBLIGATORIA, inviando una mail a centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University – Proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles
The Plan EU Office in Brussels is recruiting a EuropeAid Partnership Manager (maternity cover) to join the EU Funding team. Duration: 1 year (1 September 2015 – 31 August 2016).
Plan Europe is a regional network within Plan International, one of the largest international children’s development organisations in the world. The Plan EU Office is the account holder for EU development aid (EuropeAid) on behalf of the Plan family. The Account Manager oversees the fundraising process and the engagement strategy with the EU. Its role is to maximise funding potential for Plan as a whole and influence the EU around Plan priorities and approaches.
Key Responsibilities: to lead Plan’s EU resource mobilisation and engagement strategies, setting strategic priorities and monitoring its overall implementation; implementation of the EuropeAid Global Account Management (GAM) action plan; lead on a strong and strategic partnership between Plan and EuropeAid staff, including with EU Delegations through Plan’s Country Offices; monitor and analyse relevant EU development trends and donor intelligence, and provide strategic advice to Plan on possible impact and best way to adapt; identify funding opportunities for activities relevant to Plan’s work and keep Plan entities regularly informed to facilitate access to these resources; in particular, regular updates on upcoming calls, monitor geographic and thematic allocations (global and in-country calls), tenders etc; support the EU funding officer in the facilitation of exchange of best practices of EuropeAid projects.
Experience and Knowledge: Master in a relevant field (Development, European Studies, Human Rights, Political Science, etc.); at least 7 years professional related experience; solid experience in leading institutional donor strategies, including the EU; proven track record in raising significant funds from major donors, including EuropeAid; excellent knowledge of EuropeAid’s interests, priorities and compliance mechanisms; proven expertise in EU external relations policies and trends; experience of managing EC grant contracts an asset.
To apply for the post, please send a single page letter outlining the skills and approach that you would bring to the post, together with your CV (no europass, no photos) to alexandra.makaroff@plan-international.org by 24 April 2015, with the title “EuropeAid Partnership Manager (maternity cover)”. Interviews will take place in Brussels on 7 and/or 11 May 2015. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted (by 30 April at the latest).