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Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University informa: proposta di lavoro a Sav the Children Bruxelles
PROPOSTA DI LAVORO DA SAVE THE CHILDREN BRUXELLES – Save the Children is recruiting a Europeaid Partnership Manager on a 2 year fixed term contract to further strengthen and build Save the Children’s broad-ranging partnership with Europeaid, one of our core institutional partners. This position is based in Brussels, Belgium within Save the Children’s EU office. As a Europeaid Partnership Manager you will lead a team of 3 people together with the ECHO (European Community Humanitarian Office, one of our core institutional partners) partnership manager. You will be responsible for a) leading the long-term partnership with Europeaid in coordination with Save the Children’s EU advocacy team, the ECHO partnership manager and account members; b) management of the overall Europeaid account; c) ensuring sound monitoring to new EU donor trends and adaptations. To be successful you will need an MA or equivalent in a relevant field (Development, European Studies, Human Rights, Political and Social Science), a good understanding of Europeaid as a donor (donor trends, funding mechanisms, rules and regulations), c) significant senior management experience of implementing development programmes; d) sound experience with proposal writing and grants management. Closing Date: 23 August 2015. Please contact: https://jobs.savethechildren.org.uk/vacancy/europeaid-partnership-manager–1828/1854/description/
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University informa: proposta di lavoro ad Open Society Initiative for Europe
Ci arriva nientemeno che da Open Society, il famosissimo gruppo filantropico creato da George Soros, con sedi in diversi Paesi del mondo, che ricerca una persona di esperienza in grado di lavorare sui vari grants di cui OSF beneficia – The program officer will be part of the Think Tank Fund for Europe team of the Open Society Initiative for Europe. Essential duties and responsibilities include the following: a) work with the rest of the Think Tank Fund team on the design and implementation of activity portfolios that include grant making, constituency building and advocacy; b) identify and select grantees to develop and finalise grant proposals; review grant proposals and draft written grant recommendations as part of the grant making process; c) monitor grants through site visits and review of narrative and financial reports as well as interacting with grantees and other field professionals in program and field related meetings and convening’s; d) identify, build and maintain relationships and networks with targeted policymakers, influencers and partners working in the field of transnational politics and democratic regeneration; e) be active in policy and political debates through public speeches, roundtables, articles and media appearances; f) undertake administrative duties to support advocacy work as necessary, including budgeting, contracting, program documentation, facilitation of partners’ meetings and logistics for events; g) undertake travel when required (over 30 work days a year).
Il testo della vacancy si trova qui: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/jobs/jr-0000074/program-officer
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University informa: proposta di lavoro presso Telefono Azzurro a Bruxelles
As a non-profit organization committed to the prevention of child abuse and neglect, Telefono Azzurro (TA) is a reference point for young children and adolescents in difficulty and at risk. This is an excellent opportunity for a dynamic, creative and highly organised individual who has an excellent understanding of EU policies and practices with experience of working with European institutions, with particular focus on child protection issues, missing children, unaccompanied migrant minors.
The Liaison Officer will work under the direct supervision of Telefono Azzurro’s headquarter based in Italy. The role will involve:
a) undertaking policy analysis, aimed at strengthening TA understanding of, and ability to influence, relevant policies and practices; b) developing and implementing advocacy strategies and plans designed to influence the policies and practice of the EU and other agencies; c) developing and maintaining key relationships within the relevant institutions and lobbying politicians and officials based on an agreed contact management strategy; d) monitor and work proactively to identify funding opportunities at EU level, by conducting research and developing relevant relationships; e) support Telefono Azzurro’s Projects Department in developing new project proposals, in the framework of EU policies relevant for the association; f) monitoring institutions to identify and recommend the key issues requiring Telefono Azzurro influence as well as potential threats; g) providing tailored information and advice on targets and developments as appropriate.
Education: Master’s level degree. Minimum Experience: 3 years.
General qualifications: well acquainted with EU policies, programmes and actors, with particular focus on child rights, child protection issues; well rounded knowledge of the structure, internal functioning and decision-making procedures of EU institutions; knowledge of Project Cycle Management and key funding instruments; effective and targeted advocacy and communication skills, networking capacity and intercultural sensitivity; strong organizational skills; excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
To apply please send your resume to risorseumane@azzurro.it.
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University informa: proposta di lavoro dalla Svezia
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo (segnalando che il candidato ideale deve avere anche competenze in fisica, dato il particolare incarico in questione): Dear VIU, the Communications, External Relations and In-Kind Division at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden, invites applications for a Senior Officer as Project Leader of a major EU grant. The Senior Officer as Project Leader of a major EU grant will report to the Head of External Relations & EU Projects Group. The position is linked to the Horizon 2020/INFRADEV-3 grant.
The role of a Senior Officer as Project Leader of a major EU grant includes: i) leading a 36 months project with 6 Work Packages, a 17-consortium partner and a total budget of approx. 20 MEUR; ii) leading a project team of up to 2 people at ESS and close coordination with the in-house Grant Support Services for all administrative matters; iii) leading on Work Package 1, which is dedicated to the project management of the grant incl. the contact to the European Commission, installation of Advisory Boards, organisation of consortium meetings and internal communication; iv) ensuring the timely accomplishment of all milestones and deliverables of the project in close coordination with the other Work Package leaders; v) timely progress and administrative reporting to the European Commission; vi) financial management and control of the entire grant budget.
Qualifications: proven professional experience (8-10 years) from a similar role as project leader of FP7 or Interreg projects; experience in working with international, cross-functional teams; academic degree in a subject relevant to the portfolio of the task; proven project management skills, including responsibilities for financial management and reporting.
This is a time limited position, maximum 36 month. Your work place will be situated in Lund, Sweden. The position is to be filled as soon as possible. Please provide your curriculum vitae and cover letter in English by clicking on “apply” and following the instructions. Please note we only accept applications via the ESS website. For further information regarding the position, please contact Ute Gunsenheimer, ute.gunsenheimer[at]esss.se. For further information regarding the recruitment process, please contact Jessica Kvarnhammar, jessica.kvarnhammar[at]esss.se
Application link: http://jobstats.robopost.com/count/clic.php?v=53167&j=149
Master in Europrogettazione Venice International University informa: 1 posto da europrogettista a La Reunion
VI OCCUPERESTE DI EUROPROGETTAZIONE ALL’ISOLA DE LA REUNION (OCEANO INDIANO)? – L’Università de La Reunion ci informa che ricerca un “Ingénieur(e) de projets européens” (europrogettista). Si raccomanda ai nostri allievi, interessati a questa opportunità, di allegare alla domanda la lettera di presentazione da parte di Venice International University.
L’Université de La Réunion est une université pluridisciplinaire avec un secteur santé, dont le siège se trouve sur le campus du Moufia à Saint Denis. L’ingénieur de projets européens travaillera au sein du Pôle Recherche (12 personnes) sous la direction du Vice Président en charge de la Recherche et sous l’autorité hiérarchique du Directeur du Pôle Recherche. L’’ingénieur(e) de projets participera aux activités de la cellule mutualisée de réponse aux appels à projets nationaux et internationaux, intitulée «cellule Europe». Il/Elle a pour mission le soutien au montage de projets de recherche, aux activités de veille et d’information, de sensibilisation et de formation auprès des chercheurs et enseignants. Il/elle sera chargé(e) du suivi et de la gestion des projets européens (H2020, LIFE), de la diffusion de l’information auprès des unités de recherche de l’UR, en fonction de leurs axes thématiques, mise à jour des informations sur le site web, rédaction et diffusion d’une newsletter, et en outre:
• Accompagnement des unités de recherche dans le montage de projets (procédures d’instruction des dossiers, aide à la redaction, saisie, négociation des contrats), notamment concernant les volets administratifs, juridiques, budgétaires et financiers.
• Accompagnement des unités de recherche pour le suivi et la gestion des projets européens
• Organisation d’évènement de réseautage et de conférence.
• Contact avec les partenaires extérieurs
La prise de poste est prévue pour le 1er septembre 2015.
Les candidatures doivent être composées d’un CV, d’une lettre de motivation et envoyées avant le 20 juin 2015.
Les candidatures sont à adresser aux 2 adresses suivantes: vpr@univ-reunion.fr, drh@univ-reunion.