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Yearly Archives: 2021
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles
Conscient de la nécessité d’être au plus près des instances et réseaux européens pertinents, le pôle EMC2 a souhaité avoir à Bruxelles un relai opérationnel actif, dans le but de participer aux évènements d’intérêt ; détecter, en amont, les opportunités de projets de R&D européens et d’accompagner lesdits projets dans leur montage.
Plus spécifiquement, un partenariat stratégique a été mis en place avec 10 parties prenantes, membres du pôle EMC2, industriels de toutes tailles et organismes de recherche, dans le but de permettre aux partenaires de se faire connaître, d’intégrer des projets européens d’innovation et, potentiellement, de permettre l’influence des partenaires dans les futurs programmes européens.
Ce poste vise donc à la réalisation de missions individuelles pour chacune des parties prenantes, ainsi que de missions collectives au service du partenariat et du pôle EMC2.
1 – Emergence et accompagnement des projets des adhérents du Pôle EMC2**
1.1 Emergence de projets européens :
• Réaliser une veille intelligente des dispositifs de financement européen, présentant des opportunités potentielles pour les parties prenantes et les membres du pôle et transmettre les informations de façon ciblée ou lors de réunions dédiées ;
• Développer un réseau adapté d’acteurs clés, industriels et académiques européens y compris au sein des organisations européennes pertinentes.
• Organiser et participer à des réseaux européens et des évènements, en France et en Europe, de type Info Day ou Brokerage events par exemple, pour y représenter le pôle, y détecter des opportunités de partenariat, et favoriser l’émergence des projets européens des adhérents ;
• Rencontrer les adhérents du pôle ou des prospects, en bilatéral ou à l’occasion d’évènements.
Dans le but de permettre aux parties prenantes et aux membres de rejoindre des consortia en cours de montage ou futurs (e.g. recherches de partenaires).
1.2 Accompagnement des projets :
• Conseiller sur le périmètre du projet, identifier les appels à projets les plus pertinents, fournir les éléments leur permettant de s’y préparer, et accompagner le porteur ou le partenaire jusqu’au dépôt,
• Contribuer à la recherche de partenaires et compétences nécessaires pour constituer le consortium,
• Préparer et accompagner le projet pour son passage en comité de projets du Pôle EMC2,
• Entretenir des relations avec les partenaires et développer la collaboration,
• Au besoin, intervenir sur sollicitation du partenaire ou porteur pour aider à résoudre de potentiels besoins ou problématiques pendant la vie du projet (action de lobbying, action de soutien à la communication/dissémination des résultats du projet)
2 – Montage et Gestion de projets dont le Pôle EMC2 est partenaire
Le Pôle EMC2 s’implique en tant que partenaire dans plusieurs projets technologiques ou d’interclustering européens de type Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe. Il s’agira de participer au développement de ces projets en :
• Positionnant le rôle du pôle EMC2 et le niveau d’implication souhaité,
• Assurant la liaison avec le coordinateur et les partenaires de ces projets et répondre à leurs sollicitations sur la période de montage des dossiers,
• Veillant à la bonne exécution de ces projets en montage (aspects techniques, administratifs et financiers) et à la fédération de l’équipe du pôle autour de la démarche globale.
Enfin, le Pôle EMC2 est actuellement partenaire de 8 projets européens pour lesquels il pourra être ponctuellement demandé de participer à la gestion et réalisation de ces projets en collaboration avec les chargés de projets.
3 – Accompagnement Sur-Mesure dans le cadre de prestations de services**
Le Pôle EMC2 réalise des prestations de services, pour lesquelles il s’agit de répondre aux attentes du client en termes d’outils méthodologiques nécessaires à la bonne réalisation du service attendu.
Ingénieur généraliste ou ingénieur projet (économie/gestion/européen) ou équivalent (Bac+5 minimum).
Expérience pertinente significative (5 ans) dont au moins 2 ans en montage et gestion de projets collaboratifs européens.
Sensibilité à l’innovation collaborative et à la R&D européennes.
Connaissance des enjeux industriels et économiques pour les entreprises et scientifiques pour les académiques.
Une période d’intégration sur Bouguenais (Nantes) sera à prévoir en en début de mission.
**Savoir-faire Attendus**
• Méthode de veille et d’étude d’opportunités Européennes
• Connaissance des dispositifs et modes de financement de projets européens d’innovation
• Connaissance du fonctionnement des institutions européennes
• Technique d’accompagnement et d’aide à la décision
• Technique de montage, écriture de projet européen
• Technique de gestion de projet collaboratifs
• Capacité de synthèse et d’analyse
• Capacités rédactionnelles
• Technique d’organisation et d’animation de réunions et d’évènements
** Savoir-être**
• Aisance relationnelle et écoute active
• Autonomie
• Capacité à travailler en équipe
• Adaptabilité
• Simplicité
• Réactivité & rigueur organisationnelle
*** Autres**
• Pack Office
• Anglais à l’oral et à l’écrit indispensable
• 2ème langue appréciée
- Type de contrat : CDD / Temporaire (18 à 18 mois)
- Date de début : 04 janvier 2021
- Lieu : Bruxelles, Belgique (1000)
- Niveau d’études : Bac +5 / Master
- Expérience : > 5 ans
- Télétravail partiel possible
Envoyez votre CV et lettre de motivation ici : https://pole-emc2.welcomekit.co/jobs/charge-de-projets_bruxelles
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles
VVA Brussels is a young and fast-growing market, economic and policy consultancy providing top quality advice to the European institutions and private sector clients. Our specific focus is on Space, Telecommunications, Transport, Agrofood and other innovative technologies (e.g. Artificial intelligence (AI), Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT)). We are truly European company, part of a group based in Brussels and Milan with a team of professionals from different academic and national backgrounds.
What motivates us is our mission to progress the “European project” by helping our clients:
- anticipate change;
- design public policy responses;
- understand how the EU can improve the lives of Europeans, support our businesses and transform our economy and society; and
- communicate decisions and actions to key stakeholders.
We have a high-profile, expanding project portfolio including regulatory impact and cost assessments, economic and market studies and social policy research. We currently run projects and framework contracts for DG GROW, ESA, DG MOVE, GSA and others. We also participate in Horizon 2020 projects supporting consortia with our market analysis and business planning skills.
Our success is due to our excellent team of consultants and researchers and we are now looking to strengthen our practice with the appointment of a Senior Consultant who will be focusing on economic and market analysis in innovative environments.
VVA Brussels is looking for a Senior Consultant to extend its current team of consultants and researchers.
The Senior Consultant contributes to proposals and projects. She/he will lead projects and proposals with the support of a project director, and will autonomously lead workstreams, including the coordination of project partners. She/He plans, develops and delivers in an effective and efficient way primary (interviews) and secondary (desk) research.
Focusing on the internal management, the Senior Consultant manages more junior resources, delegating and coordinating activities and monitoring the effective and efficient delivery of the outputs whilst meeting project deadlines.
On top of this, the Senior Consultant will also be in charge of the coordination of project partners when their contributions are expected in the dedicated workstreams, discussing with the project director the optimal strategy at the beginning and throughout the project.
Senior Consultants also contribute to implementation of tools and methodologies/innovation and to the identification and solution of problems. A critical mindset and creativity to support the development of new tools and methodologies are important skills which will be encouraged on the job.
She/He is also an active team builder within the company and coaches more junior staff.
As some of our clients are based in several different countries, the position implies – in normal times – limited travel outside of Belgium and outside the EU.
All of the above implies that the candidate has a strong background and experience in:
- Policy and/or economic consultancy, with 3 years of relevant experience;
- Project day to day management and tender preparation, with 1 year of relevant experience;
- management of work streams;
- Transport policy and/or innovative environments is a plus;
- desk research and stakeholder consultations;
- data analysis (qualitative and quantitative);
- economic modelling (cost-benefit analysis, market evaluations, …);
- report and proposal drafting in English;
- oral presentations to clients.
All our professionals are strongly oriented to problem solving, goal achievement and client satisfaction and show a strong basis of leadership. The ideal candidate has an entrepreneurial and proactive mindset and feels at ease in a dynamic company oriented to growth into innovative domains such as transport and smart mobility and focusing on the policy, market and economics aspects of innovation. Interest in digitalization and space downstream applications is a plus.
The position is based in Brussels.
Only pre-selected participants will be contacted and invited for interviews. Interviews will be held in Brussels or, alternatively, via teleconference.
If you are interested in this position, please provide your CV and a 1-page cover letter outlining why you are suited for the job a:
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: selezione pubblica all’Università di Bologna
L’Alma Mater si dimostra uno degli atenei più attivi nell’inserire nei propri organici (sia tecnico-amministrativi, che di ricerca, come in questo caso) figure destinate ad occuparsi di europrogettazione. Vi segnaliamo questo interessante bando per il conferimento di un assegno, di circa 20mila euro annui netti, per attività di “supporto allo sviluppo della ricerca di Ateneo e l’accesso ai finanziamenti nell’ambito tematico delle scienze mediche, biomediche, e della vita”. Ci permettiamo di aggiungere, per un puro dato di constatazione diretta, che molto frequentamente questa via ha permesso successivamente di candidarsi con ottime chances a selezioni di concorso per impieghi a tempo indeterminato in Università. Scade il giorno 8 febbraio 2021.
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles
Are you interested in building inclusive cities with migrants?
Would you like to be part of an initiative that enhances national capacities to better deliver policies on integration?
Do you want to be part of a collaborative team where your competencies will be highly valued?
… then becoming an Officer – Migration and Integration at CEMR might be your best choice: come and work with us!
Running from 2020 to 2022, the IncluCities project aims to improve integration of third-country nationals in small and medium-sized cities through city-to-city cooperation. Eight cities and their national associations of local and regional governments (CEMR members) are involved in the process. The initiative is led by CEMR and funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
The Officer – Migration and Integration is responsible for the overall coordination of the IncluCities initiative. S/he will ensure the quality and good delivery of all activities and deliverables, together with two colleagues, one working on administrative issues, the other one on communication. He/she will foster the creation of synergies between the project’s objectives, deliverables and outcomes with the policy agenda on migration and integration at EU level.
The activities are part of the broader work of the CEMR Citizenship Team which covers equality, diversity, youth, town twinning and integration/migration policy.
The tasks are as follows:
• Ensure the overall implementation, execution, reporting and coordination of the initiative in close cooperation with the administration and communication colleagues, the Director of External Resources, partners and external stakeholders: ensure timely delivery of all related activities for the Secretariat and the partners, within the allocated budget;
• Set up project performance using appropriate tools and techniques; monitor implementation against the initial work programme and propose changes if relevant;
• Draft and submit the planned progress reports to the European Commission and scale up results at the EU level to translate them into policy initiatives when possible;
• Monitor policy developments in the fields of EU Justice & Home Affairs (integration, migration and asylum); Draft policy positions and briefings, as well as responses to EU legislative proposals and consultations; ensure the promotion of these positions where appropriate;
• Collaborate with other members of the Citizenship team to ensure effect mainstreaming of gender, disability and other human rights elements in the project and policy work;
• Coordinate CEMR Task Force on Refugees and Migrants.
Your Profile:
• You have 3-4 years experience in EU project management;
• You have proven experience and knowledge of Migration and Integration;
• You have good knowledge of the European Union policy-making and decision-making processes on the Migration and Integration issues;
• You have proven work experience with local and regional governments/at local level;
• You have proven coordination experience of managing international partnerships;
• You have proven organisational, communication, networking and drafting skills;
• On the human side, you are a positive, reliable and team player;
• You enjoy being in contact with partners and colleagues from diverse backgrounds, as you have strong interpersonal skills;
• You are fluent in English and French – both spoken and written skills;
• You are acquainted with digital communication and use of digital and online meeting tools;
• You are willing to travel, if necessary and when possible, in Europe and/or internationally;
• The post is based in Brussels.
We offer:
• A full-time contract until January 2023;
• A valuable experience with local and regional governments and EU institutions;
• An open, international and flexible work environment;
• A modern and well-situated office in the European Quarter nearby Luxembourg Brussels Station.
Wish to join us?
We are looking forward to meeting you! Send your CV and application letter in English and French (one document in English, the other one in French), telling us about your motivation and interest to application@ccre-cemr.org before 23h59 – 10 January 2021. Please put Project Officer – IncluCities in the title of the email. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
More about us:
CEMR is an equal opportunity employer.