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Yearly Archives: 2017
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles e Africa
La proposta di oggi, come altre in precedenza, ci viene direttamente dal nostro Ente patrocinante, il Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d’Europa. Da considerare con attenzione, quindi. “In December 2015, CEMR has been selected by the European Commission to implement the Covenant of Mayors Sub-Saharan Africa (CoMO SSA) covering 49 African countries with the aim to increase the capacities of cities to provide access to sufficient, sustainable and safe energy related services to urban and peri-urban populations (specially the poor), with a special attention to energy efficiency and renewable energy as drivers for local low emission, climate resilient and sustainable development. Given the major challenge of urban growth in the covered countries in the coming decades, the specific objective is to increase local governments’ planning capacities on urban design, mobility and energy. Under the CoMO SSA initiative, local authorities are invited to make a voluntarily political commitment to implement climate and energy actions in their communities and agree on a long-term vision to tackle 3 pillars, namely access to energy, climate mitigation and climate adaptation. For more information on the CoMO SSA, please consult the website: http://comssa.org.
This project is developed and implemented in collaboration with ten partners based in Europe and Africa.
The Project Officer will support the overall execution of the project, in close collaboration with another Project Officer, an Administrative & Financial Assistant, CEMR Policy Adviser on Environment, Energy and Climate, and the Helpdesk Project Officer (based in Africa). He/she will help with: the internal coordination of activities, the planning and monitoring of Partners’ work, the organisation/participation to major events and contribution to the preparation of the progress reports. The post holder will report directly to CEMR Director of Projects.
Duties and responsibilities:
- Coordination: ensure effective communication between Work Package leaders and contributors, preparation of the agenda, organisation of regular meetings.
- Project planning and monitoring: monitor the progress of the deliverables of all partners against the work plan, suggest and adapt to the Project current needs.
- Events organisation: organise and participate to relevant events and capacity building workshops and follow up.
- Communication: contribute to the preparation of the newsletters, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter) and the website.
- Preparation of progress reports: contribute to the preparation of the progress reports due to the European Commission every year”
Per il testo completo del bando andate su: http://www.ccre.org/en/actualites/view/3587
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: opportunità di lavoro a Padova
Un ente di formazione con sede in provincia di Padova ci informa che sta cercando una figura professionale con competenze in ambito di progettazione di percorsi formativi a valere su bandi della Regione Veneto e dell’Unione Europea, che si occuperà concretamente di: a) ricerca di elementi informativi di tipo socio-economico dell’area geografica del territorio e/o del settore; b) studio di documentazione statistica relativa al mercato del lavoro nel Veneto; c) colloqui con titolari di aziende PMI, artigiane e commerciali per analisi dei fabbisogni formativi del territorio, della categoria e della singola azienda; d) ricerca di partner per condivisione dell’idea progettuale e elaborazione del progetto stesso; e) schemi di progettazione delle azioni non formative e formative; f) redazione dei formulari in risposta al bando. Chi fosse interessato può contattare il tel. 049/7966125
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Bruxelles
La proposta arrivata oggi viene direttamente dal CCRE CEMR, il Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d’Europa, con cui il nostro Centro ha una strettissima collaborazione. Anche per questo raccomandiamo ai nostri Allievi di prenderne visione.
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is the European umbrella organisation of local and regional government, representing over 50 national associations from 41 countries. Our EU-policy work consists in influencing the European legislative and policy-making process, to ensure that the interests of local and regional government, and of the citizens they represent, are fully taken into account. To complement our policy work, CEMR engages in projects that address relevant issues for the respective policy objectives. For further information about CEMR and our work, please visit our website at www.ccre.org.
Upon finalisation of the contractual issues with the Commission, we are looking for a Project Officer (full-time employment) for a project aimed to organise dialogues at local and regional levels on cohesion policy and its future in eight EU Member States until the end of October 2018.
He/she will deliver the following tasks:
- guide the overall delivery of activities on Cohesion Policy;
- daily support to CEMR project partners in seven EU Member States;
- liaise with relevant representatives of EU institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, EU Presidency, and Committee of the Regions) and relevant EU stakeholder associations;
- promote and disseminate: the project officer will be expected to implement the promotion strategy, preparation of relevant promotional materials and animation of a web-based platform to ensure a multiplying effect and sustainable impact of the project in collaboration with the Communication Officer;
- report: the project officer will coordinate the reporting of each event and the final report;
- organisation of two EU events, in Spain and Brussels;
- project management, the Project Officer will represent CEMR at Steering committee meetings and other relevant events;
- any other tasks as may be reasonably required.Qualifications and experience
Qualifications and experience:
- 2-5 years experience in EU project management with a large number of partners;
- good knowledge of cohesion policy and/or managing European Structural and Investment Funds;
- good experience in organising events.
Skills and competences:
- capacity to work on his/her own initiative;
- good organisational and management skills, including strong event organisation skills;
- good communication, drafting and networking skills;
- very good language skills in English and German. French would be a strong asset;
- capacity and interest to work in a multi-cultural and international environment;
- capacity to travel for work.
How to apply:
In order to apply for this position, please send us, no later than 27 August 2017, the following documents (please make sure to draft one of the two documents in English and the other in French).
- a cover letter (maximum two pages), in English or French, explaining why you are interested in this position, how you correspond to the skills and competences required, and if appointed, what would be your personal contribution to the position and team;
- a curriculum vitae, in English or French, including employment history (with net salary), secondary/higher education, professional qualifications, any additional training or volunteer work and the contact details of two references.
Please send your application by email to application@ccre-cemr.org
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro a Londra
Cari allievi, a cercarvi stavolta è Actionaid, una delle più importanti ong al mondo, che vi scrive così: “ActionAid is looking for an EU Grants and Compliance Coordinator to foster a more compliant and cohesive environment for managing institutional grants and to ensure accountability to our institutional donors. If you have extensive experience of managing institutional grants and setting up grant management systems and processes as well as good understanding of EU (DEVCO) contractual rules and regulations you could be part of the team at ActionAid International helping people to achieve long-term and sustainable change. As EU Grants and Compliance Coordinator you will be part of our EU Funding Team and tasked with working with ActionAid members to support effective grant management of a portfolio of EU (DEVCO) contracts across ActionAid”. Actionaid ha molte altre posizioni aperte in questo momento, quindi vi consigliamo di visitarne direttamente il sito: http://www.actionaid.org/jobs
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: proposta di lavoro in Veneto e Friuli
Siamo stati contattati da una primaria società internazionale, con sedi anche a Milano e Roma, che per il territorio di Veneto e Friuli V.G. ricerca profili Junior con le seguenti caratteristiche: laureato con anzianità lavorativa di almeno quattro anni, da computarsi successivamente alla data di conseguimento del diploma di laurea (da intendersi diploma di laurea magistrale ovvero specialistica ovvero conseguita ai sensi del vecchio ordinamento), di cui almeno tre anni di provata esperienza in attività di controllo di programmi cofinanziati dall’Unione Europea.
È richiesta inoltre competenza su temi di politica e normativa comunitaria; competenze su temi di programmazione, monitoraggio, valutazione, controllo d’interventi finanziati dai fondi comunitari; competenze sulla gestione finanziaria e contabile dei contributi comunitari, conformemente alle norme internazionalmente riconosciute; competenze su tematiche relative all’organizzazione dei processi e alla gestione del cambiamento. Questa opportunità è riservata agli allievi del nostro Centro. Gli interessati possono inviare il CV a centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org.