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Yearly Archives: 2016
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Milano
Sono Stefano Volpe e in IFOM seguo le attività di Recruiting e Career Development. Scrivo a Venice International University per entrare in contatto con ex o nuovi corsisti del Master in Europrogettazione di Venezia, abbiamo una vacancy di cui allego la JD del profilo ricercato: “IFOM seeks an enthusiastic Junior Grant Officer to join the Grants Office. This is an exciting and challenging opportunity to work with an outstanding group of research scientists in a thriving department. The candidate must have experience at least of one year working in institutional grant management including proposal submission, financial reporting and working with complex budgets. Main Responsibilities: a) provide administrative and financial support to the Senior Grant Officer on research-related activities of the Scientific Department; b) provide support for compliance and audit issues, budget submission, reporting and funding applications. Requirements: i) experience and knowledge of EC and Istitutional Fundings (government, trusts and foundation); ii) experience in grant management including proposal submission, financial reporting and working with complex budgets; iii) proficiency Knowledge of English (written and spoken); high level of attention to details and ability to multitask is required; iv) computer competency requiring spreadsheets. Working with us, you will be entitled to a wide range of employee benefits. Please send the application including covering letter at workingwithus@ifom.eu”
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Roma
Passata la Pasqua, fioccano le offerte di lavoro, per i nostri allievi più bravi: due in due giorni! Eccone un’altra arrivata oggi, viene da una “firm” internazionale con sede a Roma, e che intende rafforzare il suo team di progettisti: “We are looking for an inspiring and highly-motivated colleague with the ambition to build up an all-round expertise though focusing fields of interest in accordance with background and aspirations. We require a few years of experience in relevant environments, excellent written and oral English and Italian, very strong analytical skills and eye for detail, good command of Microsoft office tools, and a communicative, collaborative and curious attitude. Knowldge of other European languages is considered a valuable asset, as well as affinity with environmental issues, industry and research, and experience with Horizon2020, LIFE and project accountings. You should be able to cope with sometimes heavy workload and thrive under high pressure, eager to creatively solve problems together with your colleagues. The may be required to travel in Europe for 1-5 days missions. Please send your cover letter and CV as soon as possible to admin@studiovanleijen.eu, mentioning in the email subject: Junior grant consultant – <your name>. Dont’ forget to indicate your motivation and why you think you are suitable for the job, as well as your earliest start date in the event your application is successful”.
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Reggio Emilia
E35, Fondazione per la Progettazione Internazionale promossa da Comune, Provincia, Camera di Commercio di Reggio Emilia, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio e CRPA, seleziona una unità da impiegarsi nella progettazione e gestione di progetti internazionali ed europei. Contratto a tempo determinato, richiesta esperienza nella redazione di progetti a finanziamento europeo e di gestione di progetti. L’avviso è pubblicato su: http://fondazionee35.comune.re.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Avviso-pubblico-aggiornato.pdf
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala: offerta di lavoro a Bruxelles (massimo 28 anni)
L’offerta è rivolta a tutti (quindi non è riservata ai nostri allievi), purché entro i 28 anni di età. Potete contattare direttamente l’Ente offerente.
Euromontana is the European association for cooperation and development of mountain areas. Created as a non-profit organisation in 1996, it now has about 70 members in 17 European States, in and outside the EU. Its aims are to promote mountain territories as territories with a future and to improve the quality of life of mountain populations, building on sustainable development models. To achieve these aims, Euromontana represents mountain communities to European institutions (European Commission, Parliament, Council…), conducts promotion actions (communication, events), organises cooperation among its members (networking and projects), and contributes to studies on sustainable mountain development. Operating with a small secretariat (2-5 people including trainees, from different origins), a key priority is to network with member organisations to assemble knowledge from different mountain regions and to make this available to decision-makers and mountain people. For more information, consult www.euromontana.org
Function : Project Officer
You will be under the responsibility of the Director of Euromontana and your responsibilities will include:
- Development and management of European projects: identification of promising project ideas, monitoring of funding opportunities and calls for proposals offering suitable funding sources, development of projects and daily technical and –progressively- financial management of these projects, including reporting.
Euromontana is currently involved as partner with leadership on communication &dissemination on two Horizon 2020 projects: PEGASUS on ecosystem services linked to agriculture and forestry and SIMRA (on social innovation in marginalized rural areas, to start in April 2016) and on one Erasmus + project on Silver Tourism. Euromontana has been in the past (and seeks to be involved in the future) in Interreg Europe projects and a variety of other funding schemes.
- Follow-up of thematic themes: follow-up of policy and regulatory developments on relevant themes identified as priorities by the Board of Directors, especially, but not only, in relation with the projects. Coordination of Euromontana network to build policy papers and concrete proposals on these themes; participation in expert groups or relevant meetings at European level in relation with these topics (lobbying and representation); communication to the public through Euromontana media (website and social networks) and to the Board. Current priority themes include innovation in rural development, agriculture, forestry, climate change…
- Organisation of events: under the responsibility of the Director, organisation of Euromontana events and project events such as European Mountain Conventions (next one planned in October 2016 on climate change) and/or project conferences and various seminars and working sessions.
- Network coordination and development: interact with Euromontana members inside the network and with other organisations outside the network, with a view to increase the network’s visibility and develop membership base.
You have a tertiary education degree (Master), in domains matching your future responsibilities (such as in agriculture, forestry, rural development, innovation or mountain development), with previous relevant experience of 1 to 3 years. Experience should be related to either a sector that is relevant to mountain development or network coordination at national level or European level, including project management or functions requiring similar levels of relational and analytical skills. A good command of subjects related to territorial policies (ideally mountains) will be a plus as will be a thorough understanding of European policy making.
You have an excellent professional command of French and English, the two working languages of Euromontana that you will have to use in your daily communication. A third language will be a plus. You have a good command of Microsoft office tools.
Dynamic, enthusiastic and motivated, you know how to get fully involved in your function, face a heavy work load and effectively organise your own time taking into account interaction with other staff members and project partners. You work well under pressure and are available to travel for work. You can easily appropriate the values of your organisation to carry them out politically, consolidating your messages with scientific arguments. Comfortable in a small organisation, you are not afraid of multitasking and are solutions-oriented.
Open-minded, you have excellent relational skills and can interact in a positive way with counterparts from different cultures and backgrounds, on complex political subjects. You have good written and oral communication, analysis, synthesis and negotiation skills.
Start: 1st July 2016.
Contract type: VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) for one year, renewable for another year. Please note that to be eligible under this contract, the applicant should be under 29 years old when he/she start the contract and registered in the VIE database before having 28 years old.
Job location: Euromontana Brussels office, with frequent travels in Europe.
Remuneration: 1746,60€/month (fixed rate defined for the VIE contract in Belgium).
Interviews: April 2016 in Brussels.
Application to be sent by 31/03/2016 to: Marie Clotteau, Director at: info@euromontana.org – with object of the email mentioning “Policy Officer at Euromontana – Your name”, including a concise CV (Europass format not compulsory) and a maximum 2-page cover letter explaining why you are interested in working at Euromontana and why you think your profile matches our needs. Only targeted applications will be analysed. Please note that candidatures will be treaded on a 1st came 1st served basis.
Do not apply if you don’t fulfill the criteria to have a VIE.
Centro Universitario di Formazione in Europrogettazione segnala una ricerca di collaboratori in VENETO
Un Centro Servizi per il volontariato con sede in Veneto, nell’ottica di uno sviluppo delle proprie attività di europrogettazione, cerca TRA I NOSTRI ALLIEVI giovani interessati ad attivare una collaborazione. Le aree tematiche che interessano sono: sviluppo socio-economico della comunità, coesione e inclusione sociale, rigenerazione urbana. La tipologia contrattuale potrà essere definita secondo competenze ed esperienze degli interessati. Si prega inoltrare CV a centro.europrogettazione@univiu.org